Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Case Analysis The Case Of Dr. J. T, Merck, And Co.

IBTISAAMA YAHAYA AHMED Every organization doing business internationally is bound to face some risks and obstacles which includes country risk, culture risk, commercial risk and currency risk. Depending on the country a business is established, the risks vary in the type, occurrence and impact. Merck Sharp and Dohme Argentine, MSD, the subsidiary of a U.S based pharmaceutical company, Merck and Co., faced lots of such challenges. Antonio Mosquera faced a lot of country risks and obstacles. Country risk is the adverse effect on a company’s operations due the host country’s political, legal and economic developments. For instance, there were inadequate and underdeveloped rules and regulations in Argentine so even though Mosquera tried hard†¦show more content†¦There were statements such as; ‘this is what has been going on in the company’. Mosquera faced problems of high resistant to environmental change hence he couldn’t move at the pace he wanted. Even Sylvia Ring, the Director of Training and Development had problems adjusting to the new environment. Other problems Mosquera faced was lack of professional education among managers, employees were not self-motivated, there was no innovativeness and personal initiative and the promotions were based on relationship. Mosquera, that he was faced with a lot of uncertainties in the Argentina market. He said, â€Å"here, you receive a surprise every 15 minutes†¦.†. Amidst all the problems and obstacles Mosquera faced, he was bent on achieving his goals which is to increase sales, promote growth while reducing operating cost and establish a competitive presence in Argentina by having a restructured plan. His restructured plan was centered on three main objectives which are; to change the old hierarchical management system into a flatter by integrating the management structure. The integrated structure will enable him to achieve the second objective which is allowing free flow of information across the organization. For instance, job vacancies were opened to all and were clearly described. The third objective was to achieve employee empowerment. He wanted the employees to be innovative andShow MoreRelatedMerck Case Study Essay6943 Words   |  28 Pagesï » ¿Merck Co. Executive Summary Case Study Goal The goal of this case study is to examine the current operations of Merck Co. Inc. and determine areas of potential concern, evaluate the effectiveness of the current business model, and propose a plan of action to grow Merck Co. Inc. to be the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Methods of Analysis This case study will strive to identify areas of concern and opportunity, offer solutions, and make projections based upon historic dataRead MoreMerck Case18783 Words   |  76 PagesPharmaceuticals: Merck Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Hiroshi Amari Working Paper No. 161 Working Paper Series Center on Japanese Economy and Business Columbia Business School December 1998 Columbia-Yale Project: Use of Software to Achieve Competitive Advantage PHARMACEUTICALS: MERCK Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Prepared by Hiroshi Amari Research Associate, Yale University William V. Rapp and Hugh T. Patrick Co-principalRead MoreMerc Vioxx Case3187 Words   |  13 PagesMerck and the Recall of Vioxx Florence N. Wandera MGT 600 – Corporate Responsibility Bus Law Merck and the Recall of Vioxx Case Summary Merck Co. Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of human health products. One such product is Vioxx, developed in 1994 and approved on May 21, 1999 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and stiffness caused by arthritisRead MoreProblems Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry and Approaches to Ensure Long Term Viability14741 Words   |  59 Pagesthey can play within companies in their plans to ensure long term viability. The analysis focuses on the commercial aspects of the industry and offers some steps that will be useful in changing the current business model and setting the stage for future success. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My appreciation is extended to Dr. Richard Bayney my capstone advisor as well as my two capstone readers, Keith Hornbacher MBA and Dr. Martin Stankard for their advice and input during the writing of this paper. IRead MoreThe Discovery Of Fluconazole, Crystalline Powder, And, An Orally Active Bistriazole Antifungal Agent1768 Words   |  8 PagesLeighton Wireman PHBS 2901.01 Dr. Christoff 30 March 2016 Fluconazole Background/History Fluconazole is a white, hygroscopic, crystalline powder, and is an orally active bistriazole antifungal agent.1 The discovery of fluconazole was a milestone in the pharmaceutical industry because it was the first antifungal drug that could be used both orally for minor infections, and intravenously for serious systemic infections. The development and use of antifungals continues to become more of a necessityRead MoreManagement and Teaching Note19520 Words   |  79 Pagesecch the case for learning case collections update 2007 Quarter 4 Visit the case search section of the ecch website at www.ecch.com to identify relevant cases from the ecch collection and view over 31,000 full text inspection copies. ecch provides a free monthly e-mail update service giving details of new cases from all sources. Visit www.ecch.com to subscribe. Economics, Politics and Business Environment 9-407-049 ALLIANZ AG: BECOMING A EUROPEAN COMPANY Lorsch, JW; Chernak, A HarvardRead MoreKEL531 PDF ENG6161 Words   |  25 Pagesreport, â€Å"Doctors and experts who have reviewed the data are  ©2011 by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This case was prepared by Professor Tim Calkins and Nayna Aggarwal ’12. Cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Although the product discussed in this case is real, the specific characters and scenario are fictional. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. To orderRead MoreApa Style Lite for College Papers15275 Words   |  62 PagesAPA STYLE LITE FOR COLLEGE PAPERS American Psychological Association Style for Final Manuscripts by Dr Abel Scribe PhD - January 2010 APA Lite for College Papers is a concise guide to crafting research papers in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA). It is based on the current edition of the APA Publication Manual (corrected printing, 2009) while incorporating guidelines for â€Å"Material Other Than Journal Articles† found in the last edition. APA Lite succeeds the APA Crib SheetRead MoreOutline Of Major Depressive Disorder2556 Words   |  11 PagesEndogenous depression was the result of inner body distress and was believed to be caused by genetics or physical problems. In contrast, neurotic depression was caused by a change in environment, significant loss or death or a spouse. At this time, Dr. John Cade, the first psychiatrist to discover and successfully treat depression, was using lithium to treat this disorder. In 1952, The American Psychiatric Association published an encycloped ia of criteria to diagnose mental illness, known as TheRead MoreOsteoporosis: bone Mass7865 Words   |  32 Pagesosteoporotic fracture can be split between non-modifiable and (potentially) modifiable. In addition, there are specific diseases and disorders in which osteoporosis is a recognized complication. Medication use is theoretically modifiable, although in many cases the use of medication that increases osteoporosis risk is unavoidable. [edit] Nonmodifiable The most important risk factors for osteoporosis are advanced age (in both men and women) and female sex; estrogen deficiency following menopause is correlated

Case Analysis The Case Of Dr. J. T, Merck, And Co.

IBTISAAMA YAHAYA AHMED Every organization doing business internationally is bound to face some risks and obstacles which includes country risk, culture risk, commercial risk and currency risk. Depending on the country a business is established, the risks vary in the type, occurrence and impact. Merck Sharp and Dohme Argentine, MSD, the subsidiary of a U.S based pharmaceutical company, Merck and Co., faced lots of such challenges. Antonio Mosquera faced a lot of country risks and obstacles. Country risk is the adverse effect on a company’s operations due the host country’s political, legal and economic developments. For instance, there were inadequate and underdeveloped rules and regulations in Argentine so even though Mosquera tried hard†¦show more content†¦There were statements such as; ‘this is what has been going on in the company’. Mosquera faced problems of high resistant to environmental change hence he couldn’t move at the pace he wanted. Even Sylvia Ring, the Director of Training and Development had problems adjusting to the new environment. Other problems Mosquera faced was lack of professional education among managers, employees were not self-motivated, there was no innovativeness and personal initiative and the promotions were based on relationship. Mosquera, that he was faced with a lot of uncertainties in the Argentina market. He said, â€Å"here, you receive a surprise every 15 minutes†¦.†. Amidst all the problems and obstacles Mosquera faced, he was bent on achieving his goals which is to increase sales, promote growth while reducing operating cost and establish a competitive presence in Argentina by having a restructured plan. His restructured plan was centered on three main objectives which are; to change the old hierarchical management system into a flatter by integrating the management structure. The integrated structure will enable him to achieve the second objective which is allowing free flow of information across the organization. For instance, job vacancies were opened to all and were clearly described. The third objective was to achieve employee empowerment. He wanted the employees to be innovative andShow MoreRelatedMerck Case Study Essay6943 Words   |  28 Pagesï » ¿Merck Co. Executive Summary Case Study Goal The goal of this case study is to examine the current operations of Merck Co. Inc. and determine areas of potential concern, evaluate the effectiveness of the current business model, and propose a plan of action to grow Merck Co. Inc. to be the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Methods of Analysis This case study will strive to identify areas of concern and opportunity, offer solutions, and make projections based upon historic dataRead MoreMerck Case18783 Words   |  76 PagesPharmaceuticals: Merck Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Hiroshi Amari Working Paper No. 161 Working Paper Series Center on Japanese Economy and Business Columbia Business School December 1998 Columbia-Yale Project: Use of Software to Achieve Competitive Advantage PHARMACEUTICALS: MERCK Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Prepared by Hiroshi Amari Research Associate, Yale University William V. Rapp and Hugh T. Patrick Co-principalRead MoreMerc Vioxx Case3187 Words   |  13 PagesMerck and the Recall of Vioxx Florence N. Wandera MGT 600 – Corporate Responsibility Bus Law Merck and the Recall of Vioxx Case Summary Merck Co. Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of human health products. One such product is Vioxx, developed in 1994 and approved on May 21, 1999 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and stiffness caused by arthritisRead MoreProblems Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry and Approaches to Ensure Long Term Viability14741 Words   |  59 Pagesthey can play within companies in their plans to ensure long term viability. The analysis focuses on the commercial aspects of the industry and offers some steps that will be useful in changing the current business model and setting the stage for future success. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My appreciation is extended to Dr. Richard Bayney my capstone advisor as well as my two capstone readers, Keith Hornbacher MBA and Dr. Martin Stankard for their advice and input during the writing of this paper. IRead MoreThe Discovery Of Fluconazole, Crystalline Powder, And, An Orally Active Bistriazole Antifungal Agent1768 Words   |  8 PagesLeighton Wireman PHBS 2901.01 Dr. Christoff 30 March 2016 Fluconazole Background/History Fluconazole is a white, hygroscopic, crystalline powder, and is an orally active bistriazole antifungal agent.1 The discovery of fluconazole was a milestone in the pharmaceutical industry because it was the first antifungal drug that could be used both orally for minor infections, and intravenously for serious systemic infections. The development and use of antifungals continues to become more of a necessityRead MoreManagement and Teaching Note19520 Words   |  79 Pagesecch the case for learning case collections update 2007 Quarter 4 Visit the case search section of the ecch website at www.ecch.com to identify relevant cases from the ecch collection and view over 31,000 full text inspection copies. ecch provides a free monthly e-mail update service giving details of new cases from all sources. Visit www.ecch.com to subscribe. Economics, Politics and Business Environment 9-407-049 ALLIANZ AG: BECOMING A EUROPEAN COMPANY Lorsch, JW; Chernak, A HarvardRead MoreKEL531 PDF ENG6161 Words   |  25 Pagesreport, â€Å"Doctors and experts who have reviewed the data are  ©2011 by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This case was prepared by Professor Tim Calkins and Nayna Aggarwal ’12. Cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Although the product discussed in this case is real, the specific characters and scenario are fictional. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. To orderRead MoreApa Style Lite for College Papers15275 Words   |  62 PagesAPA STYLE LITE FOR COLLEGE PAPERS American Psychological Association Style for Final Manuscripts by Dr Abel Scribe PhD - January 2010 APA Lite for College Papers is a concise guide to crafting research papers in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA). It is based on the current edition of the APA Publication Manual (corrected printing, 2009) while incorporating guidelines for â€Å"Material Other Than Journal Articles† found in the last edition. APA Lite succeeds the APA Crib SheetRead MoreOutline Of Major Depressive Disorder2556 Words   |  11 PagesEndogenous depression was the result of inner body distress and was believed to be caused by genetics or physical problems. In contrast, neurotic depression was caused by a change in environment, significant loss or death or a spouse. At this time, Dr. John Cade, the first psychiatrist to discover and successfully treat depression, was using lithium to treat this disorder. In 1952, The American Psychiatric Association published an encycloped ia of criteria to diagnose mental illness, known as TheRead MoreOsteoporosis: bone Mass7865 Words   |  32 Pagesosteoporotic fracture can be split between non-modifiable and (potentially) modifiable. In addition, there are specific diseases and disorders in which osteoporosis is a recognized complication. Medication use is theoretically modifiable, although in many cases the use of medication that increases osteoporosis risk is unavoidable. [edit] Nonmodifiable The most important risk factors for osteoporosis are advanced age (in both men and women) and female sex; estrogen deficiency following menopause is correlated

Case Analysis The Case Of Dr. J. T, Merck, And Co.

IBTISAAMA YAHAYA AHMED Every organization doing business internationally is bound to face some risks and obstacles which includes country risk, culture risk, commercial risk and currency risk. Depending on the country a business is established, the risks vary in the type, occurrence and impact. Merck Sharp and Dohme Argentine, MSD, the subsidiary of a U.S based pharmaceutical company, Merck and Co., faced lots of such challenges. Antonio Mosquera faced a lot of country risks and obstacles. Country risk is the adverse effect on a company’s operations due the host country’s political, legal and economic developments. For instance, there were inadequate and underdeveloped rules and regulations in Argentine so even though Mosquera tried hard†¦show more content†¦There were statements such as; ‘this is what has been going on in the company’. Mosquera faced problems of high resistant to environmental change hence he couldn’t move at the pace he wanted. Even Sylvia Ring, the Director of Training and Development had problems adjusting to the new environment. Other problems Mosquera faced was lack of professional education among managers, employees were not self-motivated, there was no innovativeness and personal initiative and the promotions were based on relationship. Mosquera, that he was faced with a lot of uncertainties in the Argentina market. He said, â€Å"here, you receive a surprise every 15 minutes†¦.†. Amidst all the problems and obstacles Mosquera faced, he was bent on achieving his goals which is to increase sales, promote growth while reducing operating cost and establish a competitive presence in Argentina by having a restructured plan. His restructured plan was centered on three main objectives which are; to change the old hierarchical management system into a flatter by integrating the management structure. The integrated structure will enable him to achieve the second objective which is allowing free flow of information across the organization. For instance, job vacancies were opened to all and were clearly described. The third objective was to achieve employee empowerment. He wanted the employees to be innovative andShow MoreRelatedMerck Case Study Essay6943 Words   |  28 Pagesï » ¿Merck Co. Executive Summary Case Study Goal The goal of this case study is to examine the current operations of Merck Co. Inc. and determine areas of potential concern, evaluate the effectiveness of the current business model, and propose a plan of action to grow Merck Co. Inc. to be the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. Methods of Analysis This case study will strive to identify areas of concern and opportunity, offer solutions, and make projections based upon historic dataRead MoreMerck Case18783 Words   |  76 PagesPharmaceuticals: Merck Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Hiroshi Amari Working Paper No. 161 Working Paper Series Center on Japanese Economy and Business Columbia Business School December 1998 Columbia-Yale Project: Use of Software to Achieve Competitive Advantage PHARMACEUTICALS: MERCK Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Prepared by Hiroshi Amari Research Associate, Yale University William V. Rapp and Hugh T. Patrick Co-principalRead MoreMerc Vioxx Case3187 Words   |  13 PagesMerck and the Recall of Vioxx Florence N. Wandera MGT 600 – Corporate Responsibility Bus Law Merck and the Recall of Vioxx Case Summary Merck Co. Inc. is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of human health products. One such product is Vioxx, developed in 1994 and approved on May 21, 1999 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and stiffness caused by arthritisRead MoreProblems Facing the Pharmaceutical Industry and Approaches to Ensure Long Term Viability14741 Words   |  59 Pagesthey can play within companies in their plans to ensure long term viability. The analysis focuses on the commercial aspects of the industry and offers some steps that will be useful in changing the current business model and setting the stage for future success. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My appreciation is extended to Dr. Richard Bayney my capstone advisor as well as my two capstone readers, Keith Hornbacher MBA and Dr. Martin Stankard for their advice and input during the writing of this paper. IRead MoreThe Discovery Of Fluconazole, Crystalline Powder, And, An Orally Active Bistriazole Antifungal Agent1768 Words   |  8 PagesLeighton Wireman PHBS 2901.01 Dr. Christoff 30 March 2016 Fluconazole Background/History Fluconazole is a white, hygroscopic, crystalline powder, and is an orally active bistriazole antifungal agent.1 The discovery of fluconazole was a milestone in the pharmaceutical industry because it was the first antifungal drug that could be used both orally for minor infections, and intravenously for serious systemic infections. The development and use of antifungals continues to become more of a necessityRead MoreManagement and Teaching Note19520 Words   |  79 Pagesecch the case for learning case collections update 2007 Quarter 4 Visit the case search section of the ecch website at www.ecch.com to identify relevant cases from the ecch collection and view over 31,000 full text inspection copies. ecch provides a free monthly e-mail update service giving details of new cases from all sources. Visit www.ecch.com to subscribe. Economics, Politics and Business Environment 9-407-049 ALLIANZ AG: BECOMING A EUROPEAN COMPANY Lorsch, JW; Chernak, A HarvardRead MoreKEL531 PDF ENG6161 Words   |  25 Pagesreport, â€Å"Doctors and experts who have reviewed the data are  ©2011 by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. This case was prepared by Professor Tim Calkins and Nayna Aggarwal ’12. Cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussion. Although the product discussed in this case is real, the specific characters and scenario are fictional. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective or ineffective management. To orderRead MoreApa Style Lite for College Papers15275 Words   |  62 PagesAPA STYLE LITE FOR COLLEGE PAPERS American Psychological Association Style for Final Manuscripts by Dr Abel Scribe PhD - January 2010 APA Lite for College Papers is a concise guide to crafting research papers in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA). It is based on the current edition of the APA Publication Manual (corrected printing, 2009) while incorporating guidelines for â€Å"Material Other Than Journal Articles† found in the last edition. APA Lite succeeds the APA Crib SheetRead MoreOutline Of Major Depressive Disorder2556 Words   |  11 PagesEndogenous depression was the result of inner body distress and was believed to be caused by genetics or physical problems. In contrast, neurotic depression was caused by a change in environment, significant loss or death or a spouse. At this time, Dr. John Cade, the first psychiatrist to discover and successfully treat depression, was using lithium to treat this disorder. In 1952, The American Psychiatric Association published an encycloped ia of criteria to diagnose mental illness, known as TheRead MoreOsteoporosis: bone Mass7865 Words   |  32 Pagesosteoporotic fracture can be split between non-modifiable and (potentially) modifiable. In addition, there are specific diseases and disorders in which osteoporosis is a recognized complication. Medication use is theoretically modifiable, although in many cases the use of medication that increases osteoporosis risk is unavoidable. [edit] Nonmodifiable The most important risk factors for osteoporosis are advanced age (in both men and women) and female sex; estrogen deficiency following menopause is correlated

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Most Ignored Fact Regarding Ielts Essay Samples 2017 Exposed

The Most Ignored Fact Regarding Ielts Essay Samples 2017 Exposed I am quite happy I was able to assist you writing band 9 essay this goal and I hope you may continue at this level later on. When you surf our site for recommendations that might help you write your own essay, you will discover many helpful tips. He had a history of predicting technological innovations. Additionally, artworks can serve as historical evidence to teach history. Your paragraphs do not connect one another's meaning together with the full thought of your essay might be incomprehensible. Your writing also needs to be very simple to read and all facets of it are managed properly to be able to guarantee Coherence and Cohesion. Though we have to admit that writing an essay isn't an effortless job, being in a position to finish one is such a rewarding experience particularly if it is an assignment you've got to pass the following day. All these have an important effect on the young person's motivation t o excel. The Awful Side of Ielts Essay Samples 2017 At times, the best method to learn and understand new information is via seeing and understanding work which is already completed. Having access to previously completed work that you could have confidence in will show you exactly what you're missing. From a personal viewpoint, computers can help young folks to learn more regarding the world. To summarize, it is obvious that computers are now part of our routine life. 11 The 2 surveys show various trends in cigarette initiation. Examine the model essay and read the comments. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. Even if you believe you're a bad writer today, you can learn to take your simple essay and transform it into something far more effective. Please remember that writing task 1 isn't an essay it's a report. So should you must employ college essay writer online, we're just the people who you'll need to contact. 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The Ielts Essay Samples 2017 Cover Up This apparently significant cost to pull a new smoker is extremely likely recouped over the typical 25 years this teen will smoke. To a lot of folks, it's appropriate to marry for money as opposed to love. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you find yourself getting a great grade. It's challenging for any persons to accept a partner who doesn't have money, or no less than a job to care for their upcoming family. The Nuiances of Ielts Essay Samples 2017 It's given as a typical school assignment and a crucial part in an examination collection. Arts reflect and inform us about cultural and conventional traits of a particular region. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Many students who deserve to get sent to the university belong to poor families who are working to support their day-to-day living. What You Need to Do About Ielts Essay Samples 2017 Beginning in the Next Seven Minutes You need to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. Your paragraphing is fantastic. Take a look at the questions and become acquainted with topics you would get on the true exam. Before the test you ought to have a complete understanding of the way the different pieces of. Answers from all the surveys were combined to make a sample of over 165,000 individuals. Usually you must take the IELTS test if you're applying for employment or to study in a college or university in an English-speaking country or if you're migrating to such nation.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Describing Graphs and Charts Essay Example For Students

Describing Graphs and Charts Essay The function off line graph is to describe a TREND pictorially. You therefore should try and describe the trend in it. If there are many lines in the graph(s), then just generally describe the trend. If there is Only one or two, then use more detail. So, describe the movement of the line(s) of the graph giving numerical detail at the important points Of the line. TO describe the movement, there is some language which will always be useful. Below is a list of language you can use. Check With your dictionary words that you dont understand and practice using the words/phrases so you use them in the right way. Sassy will see, there are a number of words which are similar in meaning. This means that you will be able to use a variety of vocabulary which gives a good impression to the examiner who will read and mark your writing.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Research Paper on Taj Mahal Essay Example

Research Paper on Taj Mahal Essay Taj Mahal is one the greatest piece of architecture of India and the whole world. This mosque-mausoleum was built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved resting wife Mumtaz, who died in childbirth. The Taj Mahal is a complex of buildings, consisting of a mausoleum, mosque, guest house, main gate, a beautiful garden and some other magnificent buildings. The construction of the mausoleum dates back to the 1648. The surrounding gardens and other equally gorgeous architectural structures of the complex was completed in just five years. The tomb is built according to the strict canons of Islamic architecture and is similar to a mosque. Building stands on a square platform with truncated corners. The main dome of the mausoleum rises to a height of 74 meters and has around four smaller domes. A little further there were built four thin minarets. The towers were built with a slope back so that in the case of earthquake they would not fall on the mausoleum. All external and internal surfaces of the mausoleum are made of translucent polished marble (brought to the construction from 300 km distant quarry) and carved with Islamic ornaments with semi-precious stones: jasper, agate, turquoise, carnelian, malachite. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Taj Mahal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Taj Mahal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Taj Mahal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Over each entrance in the form of arches are carved sayings from the Koran with intricate swirls. In the center of the mausoleum, there are the tombs of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz, surrounded by marble fence. (In fact, the place of burial is below – directly below the tombs, underground.) The magnificent gate of the Taj Mahal are decorated with 22 domes, which represent the number of years spent on the construction of the tomb. A worthy addition to the Taj Mahal is a lush garden, which has a geometric layout. In the center of the garden there is a large pool, which divides the complex into four parts. Each of the segments is divided by several channels. Despite the fact that the white marble dome of the mausoleum is the most prominent component of the Taj Mahal, the mausoleum is a structurally integrated complex. The construction began in 1632 and was completed in 1653 by 20,000 artisans and craftsmen under guiding of the board of great architects including Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, Makramat Khan, and Deschenes Ana. According to another version, the main architect of Taj Mahal was Turk Isa Muhammad Effendi. Those students, who want to write their research proposals on Taj Mahal, must carefully study the history of the mausolem. Their papers have to present a detailed descriptin of the mosque and its decoration. To feel more confident, you may consult several research papers on Taj Mahal. They will show you how to write a first-class resaerch project on different Taj Mahal topics. Are you looking for a top-notch custom written research paper on Taj Mahal topics? Is confidentiality as important to you as the high quality of the product? Try our writing service at EssayLib.com! We can offer you professional assistance at affordable rates. Our experienced PhD and Master’s writers are ready to take into account your smallest demands. We guarantee you 100% authenticity of your paper and assure you of dead on time delivery. Proceed with the order form: Please, feel free to visit us at EssayLib.com and learn more about our service!