Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
African Ideology And Ghana - 1444 Words
The prime minister of Ghana and the first African head of a West African country freed from colonization, Kwame Nkrumah, followed a pan-African ideology and hoped to be the one who would guide Africa in a unified direction, leading an independent Africa that was industrialized and powerful (Muehlenbeck 2012: 17). Despite his ambition, or maybe because of it, his policies virtually bankrupted Ghana through a focus on large industrial projects that did not form a good base for the industrialization he hoped for in his country. Additionally the discrepancies between the ways he handled his political relations in private and in public for the sake of protecting his image contributed to the trouble Ghana faced. Kwame Nkrumah went to†¦show more content†¦May 23, 2016). Unfortunately, things did not work out this way. Firstly, Nkrumah had much difficulty securing the funds to build the Volta Dam. Originally the British, who were still in control of Ghana at the time, were going to fund the dam but backed out, citing the high costs and the decline of British colonial power (Black Power, BBC: 1992). Afterwards, Ghana spent much time trying to secure the money needed for the project, but the United States was unwilling to earmark the amount of funds, and Nkrumah was unable to get the World Bank to approve a loan for the money he needed. The only solution provided was from either the Soviet Union or the private sector of America, and so Nkrumah found himself directed toward Kaiser Aluminum (Muehlenbeck 2012: 20). This is where more issues began to form. Kaiser Aluminum, like some other companies, did not give Ghana the kind of beneficial deals they sought with their industrialization projects and Nkrumah did not pursue other options that would have been better deals for his country. For Kaiser Aluminu m, they refused to work with Nkrumah’s plan unless he conceded the use of Ghanaian bauxite and instead let them import it. They explained this away as just concern for the difference in aluminum quality the bauxite would provide, but were also largely motivated by the threat of Ghana repurposing the aluminumShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Gold Coast after Gaining Independence from Colonialism1368 Words  | 6 PagesIn 1957, Ghana gained independence from Britain. Ghanaian kingdoms varied religiously, ethnically, and culturally. Because of this, Ghana, which the regions of Togo and the Ivory Coast presently surround, has been plagued with the effects of too much ethnic diversity.The developing movements for political expansion of early established kingdoms created the foundation for the later independence movements. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Juvenile Justice System Based On Their Race, Gender, And...
Introduction The research done for this paper examines different studies of juveniles and their place in the United States’ justice system based on their race, gender, and social class, as well as looks into policing tactics that may be beneficial to the affected youths. By looking at a wide variety of academic journals and books it was clear to see that youths are looked upon and treated differently depending on what their race is, the sex that they were born, or their family’s economic standing. Resulting in the outcome of these youths being treated more harshly than others due to aspects about themselves that are out of their control. Doing further research into the juvenile justice system and how it is structured to help certain youths while neglecting others, it is clear that the treatment of minority youths is entirely unjust and that a reform of this system is, without question, necessary, not only to maintain an even and fair justice system for juveniles, but al so to help these minority youths strive in their lifetime rather than fall victim to a life of crime. Literature Review Race The subject of race is one that has come up countless times when discussing or reading about the juvenile justice system. According to Jennifer Peck and Wesley Jennings article â€Å"race differences in court outcomes to the disadvantage of Black youth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Peck Jennings, 2016). Youths that are Black or Latino are more likely to be punished more harshly than white youths who have committedShow MoreRelatedClass, Race, Gender And Crime3006 Words  | 13 Pagesand how it is linked to issues such as class, race, gender and crime. Secondly, it will discuss why intersectionality is important to understand crime and justice. In order to understand the relationship between intersectionality and crime, a particular issue will be reviewed from the crime and delinquency issues of 2014. Out of the 52 articles, this paper will first look at the number of titles and abstracts that discuses race, class, gender or other social inequalities. Lastly, out of the 52Read MoreJuvenile Delinquency : The United States1458 Words  | 6 Pages Juvenile Delinquency in the United States We live in a world where there is a great deal of investment allotted to our children and our culture tend to be overprotective of our youth. Rightfully so, our younger citizens are considered the building blocks of our nation and the carriers of our legacy in the future. But in spite of stringent laws that seem to protect our youth, other factors such as race, poverty, and environment are catalysts for delinquent youth behavior. 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Therefore, this paper will explore the impact of various school policies and analysis strategies that have been implemented to address this issue, particularly for youth, including students of color, students from poverty, and students with disabilities who have been shown to be at higher risk. The pipeline starts when school administrations and teachers push children out of the school system by placing them on out-of-school suspensionRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System Is A Topic Where Everyone Disagrees With Everyone Else? Essay2092 Words  | 9 Pagescriminal justice system is a topic where everyone disagrees with everyone else. There are people who are for harsher sentencing and there are others who are for lighter punishments, and the fact that it reproduces inequality affects every American both economically and socially. It can be argued that all judges and juries are biased in some ways or not at all and this has to do with the races, skin color, gender, and sometimes the ages of the criminals who are put on trial. Race and Justice systemRead MoreWhy Juveniles Should Not Be Legal1254 Words  | 6 Pages Juvenile Crimes in the United States Nachamada Roya Simon 250798336 SOC 2206B Section 570 March 8 2016 Professor Catherine Gelinas Introduction The proposed study is a cross-sectional research about why juveniles should not be put to trial and convicted in adult court and the factors that affect why they would be convicted in adult courts. The study would be conducted in two parts with both quantitative and qualitative methods. The first part of the study would be conducted in a juvenileRead MoreCrime And Its Effect On Society Essay1652 Words  | 7 Pageswhat is considered a crime and what is not is something that is still controversial. Crime can be defined as a wrong doing by an individual that another individual or groups of individual consider to be criminal. Because the definition of crime is based on human interpretation and individual beliefs, what is criminal and what is not is constantly changing. Thus, what was considered criminal in the current decade may have or not been considered criminal previous years. Two major factor of crime isRead MoreTheories of Deviance from the Conflict Perspective1465 Words  |à ‚ 6 PagesTheories of Deviance: Conflict Theory Why are some people s behaviors more apt to be negatively labeled by the criminal justice system? Labeling theorists point to the role of moral entrepreneurs or social movements, but what about the forces that underlie a particular moral crusade? Why, for example, would American society want to criminalize the production, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the 1920s? Why the increased penalties for domestic violence in the 1970s, or the War onRead Moreâ€Å"Young Men Think Of The Streets As Providing Both Structure1700 Words  | 7 Pagesor willing to be there for them†(Fader, p.106). Unfortunately, this concept is a sad reality for many youth today. This passage was important because it is a reality that stretches beyond one race, age or gender. Although this text refers specifically to young men of color it can be applied to any juvenile without a stable family and home environment. Almost all of the young men Fader discussed in her book came from broken homes with little or no family support. Family structure and support is knownRead MoreTheories Of Crime : Strain, Social Control And Life Course1082 Words  | 5 PagesChapter 7: Radicalizing Orthodox Theories of Crime: Strain, Social Control and Life Course Strain theory is described as the cause of crime due to the social class or environment in which a person grows up in. In our society, people strive to obtain wealth, education, materialistic possessions and power. Due to the environment lower social class people are born into, they are unable to obtain these aspirations through legal means. Feelings of frustration lead to strain and can cause these people
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Project Proposal Of Brettamymelissa Essay
Executive Summary Brettamymelissa is a family owned, med-sized construction contacting company specializes in bridge construction, concrete work, demolition work, and deep foundation installation. Other areas of work involve a small trucking operation that specializes in flat bed hauling, dump trailer transportation and specialty hauling of oversized, overweight specially permitted cargo in the regional area. Currently we are constantly expanding and contracting nationwide. In order for the company to increase efficiently and effectively the need for implementing a system that will provide the functionality necessary to run the business, that is easy and convenient for the end users, and delivers a competitive advantage is highly recommended. The system currently in place does not meet those needs and will not support the growth and innovation, which are part of the company’s future success. The company main areas of functionality are sending emails, making phone calls or hand carrying file s between various offices within the company. Group 3 – Business Project Proposal CURRENT IS STRUCTURE Currently the company is designed, developed and implemented with a centralized computing systems, mostly with an emphasis on optimizing manufacturing processes by synchronizing the materials with production requirements using manufacturing resources planning (MRP II)(Mohammad a rashidmassey, 2002). This would include a combination of spreadsheets, basic accounting software,
Carter Racing Free Essays
Carter Racing Case Study In this case, Carter Racing has to make a decision about whether or not to participate in a race with the knowledge that they have been experiencing a 29% engine failure rate. Carter Racing is a relatively new team, so they have not yet established a firm reputation. The mechanic thinks that temperature is the cause of failure, but that theory has been questioned by another of the racing team’s engineering staff. We will write a custom essay sample on Carter Racing or any similar topic only for you Order Now If they race and win, they could receive a $1,000,000 sponsorship from Goodstone Tires for the next season. However, on the off chance that they do win, they might ignore the engine failure problem they’ve been experiencing. Another scenario that might occur is that they may decide to race and experience an engine failure during the race. The damage of this scenario is extreme. They will have risked their driver’s life, lost any reputation they might have been building, and lost the sponsorship from Goodstone and the $500,000 oil contract they already have. Another scenario is that they withdraw, which means their reputation might be slightly damaged and they lose $50,000 that season between the lost deposit and the returned sponsorship funds. My recommendation is that Carter Racing withdraws from the race and takes the $50,000 loss for the season. This ensures that they have until the next season to resolve their engine failure issues and it gives them time to formulate a safer strategy. They should not attempt to risk their driver’s life and stake their reputation on the slim odds of winning the race. If they were to race and lose their options, the chances of recovering from that loss are very small. It’s much more difficult to react to something of this scale than it is to prevent it. If they take advantage of the time they have once they withdraw, they can come back next year with a stronger team and better odds of winning, which will surely encourage more sponsorships. How to cite Carter Racing, Papers
Emotional Expression and Gender Influence free essay sample
A study of how the different sexes express emotion. This paper examines the gender differences of the two sexes and the conceptual paradigm that rules them. It describes marked difference in the emotional expression of men and women and the masculine mask. The author writes that we are now aware that boys tend to have a highly developed right brain whereas girls have a well-developed left brain. Table of Contents Introduction The Brain The Sociological Pressure (Emotion and its Expression) Conclusion Bibliography There has been increasing amount of research devoted to discerning the role of gender and its influence in the emotional response to a particular situation. These researches have added weight to the presumption that the structural differences of the cerebral cortex has a substantial influence in triggering emotional responses and the differing reactions in men and women to an external stimuli. Let us have a brief outlook of the psychological and biological effects that contribute to the differing emotional responses (in men and women) and the scientific explanation for the same. We will write a custom essay sample on Emotional Expression and Gender Influence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Friday, May 1, 2020
Music free essay sample
Disco is mixing soaring vocals with a beat that encouraged dancing, disco became the dance music of the decade. Disco can be best characterized as music that often had 100 to 30 beats per minute and the pulse Of the rhythm was Often emphasized. 4. British Invasion was when British bands of the time were modeled on the successful American bands, mostly in the areas of producing and recordings and touring to promote the recordings.The Beetles were a part of this movement, they had a big impact on Pop music because the sang about social issues and they also had songs with catchy lyrics and melodies. 5. A boy band feature between three and six young adult males who typically sang, but did not play instruments. Some characteristics of a bad boy were that there had to be a bad boy, a baby, and a nice boy. Critical thinking Questions: 1 . Yes think that music still can be used to protest, like there is music to protest world hunger, and to protest wars and many other things. During this time, different artists have Joined forces to create superposes. Groups such as DITCH, NNW, Cypress Hill, The Roots, ND Www Tang Clan emerged combining the versatility of deferent emcees with the creativity of the producers.Many of these artists also went on to release their own solo projects. Over the past few years this decade, a countless number of classic albums have hit the streets, each bringing their own flavor. Fans have been able to enjoy a broad range of quality, whether its the mostly laid back, Jazzy mood created by artists such as A Tribe Called Quest, the west coast, G-funk sound of Dry. Deer Snoop Dog, or the raw, street sound of the Www Tang Clan. Across the spectrum, one can sense the hunger In the artists, all trying to bring their unique styles to the table. To this day, the time period from the late asses to where we are right now is being considered the golden age of hip hop with a seemingly endless supply of great music. Rock Roll: In the early asses, pop metal ruled the music scene. However, by 1991, pop metal had become a cliche. The formula for selling records and getting singles on the radio first single, followed by a power ballad as the second. Even Metallic, with their enormous hit Black Album, was criticized by many as being too mainstream, too sell out.Mainstream metal was dying, and a new scene that had been slowly building up would soon take its place.. . A new breed of bands came from Washington state, mostly from Seattle, and changed the musical landscape with a mix of hardcore punk and metal that came to be known as grunge. The name grunge described the dirty sound of the music and the generally sloppy appearance of the musicians. The spandex, sparkles, and big hair of pop metal were gone. Grunge musicians, instead, hose to wear flannel shirts, ripped Jeans, and old tennis shoes.Grunge dominated the early ass, with record companies frantically looking for bands that sounded like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundboards, and Alice in Chains. However, grunge was a short-lived movement, which quickly died along with Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cabins suicide in 1994. Since the beginning of rock and roll, there have been bands and artists that have avoided big record companies to make their albums. In the ass, the music of these independent bands really exploded, pushing alternative rock into he mainstream.By recording music in their own home studios, or by going through small record companies, Indies bands were able to create music that didnt follow the rules set forth by big record companies, and truly unique music came out during this time. Also, in the ass, punk-oriented bands have began producing radio-friendly music that began to be referred to as punk pop. Of these punk pop bands, the most successful has been Green Day, with their 1994 album Dioxide quickly selling over 10 million records.They paved the way for other pop punk pioneers, such as The Offspring, Rancid, Blink 182 and Good Charlotte to hit the charts and sell lots of albums. This also paved the way for Canadian groups such as Sum 41 who have inspired many punk pop artists with their hardcore style, as they have been nominated for several Juncos already. On that note, alternative Canadian rock groups such as Bryan Adams, Tragically Hip, Barebacked Ladies, Our Lady Peace and The Matthew Good Band seem to be continuing their international success into this decade.
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