Thursday, November 14, 2019

Outline of Lamentations Essay -- essays research papers fc

Outline of Lamentations1 I. LAMENTATIONS 1 A. Complaint made to God and request for his mercy 1:1-11 B. Complaint made to friends 1:12-17 C. Appeal to God 1:18-22 II. LAMENTATIONS 2 A. Anger of God as the cause 2:1-9 B. Sorrow of Zion’s children 2: 10-19 C. Complaint is made to God 2: 20-22 III. LAMENTATIONS 3 A. God’s displeasure and the fruits of it 3:1-20 B. Words of comfort to God’s people 3:21-36 C. Duty prescribed in this afflicted state 3:37-41 D. The complaint renewed 3:42-54 E. Hope in God and to wait for his salvation 3:55-66 IV. LAMENTATIONS 4 A. Injuries and indignities done to those who used to be respected 4:1, 2 B. Effects of the famine by the siege 4:3-10 C. Sacking of Jerusalem 4:11, 12 D. Acknowledges the sins 4:13-16 E. Gives up all as doomed to utter ruin 4:17-20 F. Foretells the destruction of Edomites 4:21, 22 V. LAMENTATIONS 5 A. Representation of the present calamitous state of God’s people in their captivity 5:1-16 B. Protestation of their concern for God’s sanctuary 5:17, 18 C. Supplication to God and expostulation with him for return of mercy 5:19-22. Lamentations, written by the prophet Jeremiah, is a poem mourning the passing of Judah by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E. (Bailey, 82) through siege and battle. Prior to the destruction, Jeremiah had warned or rather prophesized that Judah must change its ways or suffer the consequence of the Lords wrath. Before the Babylonians destroy the city of Jerusalem, Jeremiah warns the people to live by the laws of Babylon and even wrote the warning down to be presented to the people and even to the King. The King, who was placed on the throne by Egypt, in anger, burns the paper and has Jeremiah thrown in jail. While in Jail, Jeremiah conti... ...usalem that they sought prophets who would tell them that they were doing good, and to ignore the wrongs that they were committing. He tells them in a blunt manner as one who had the authority to, which leaves one to believe that this man was not above lecturing and berating his people when they did wrong. Instead he let them have it sort of like a father who doesn’t just punish but teaches by pointing out the mistakes made. In this verse I saw Jeremiah as a stern father figure as well as a prophet. Bibliography Bailey Lloyd. Jeremiah, The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Incorporated, 1998. Beza, Theodore. Commentary on Lamentations, The 1599 Geneva Study Bible. Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry, A Commentary on The Whole Bible Volume 4 Isaiah to Malachi, Old Tappan New Jersey, Flemming H. Revell Publishers 1981. Scofield, C.I. The New Scofield Study Bible, New York, Oxford University Press, 1967 Mears, Henretta C. What the Bible is All About, Minneapolis, MN, World Wide Publications Carol L. Meyers, "Lamentations," World Book Online Americas Edition,, January 1, 2002.

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